Smart profiling and identification is the feature courtesy of bizshake

The world of leasing is the oldest type of business. You can lease money, assets among other things. Through the years, leasing has improved especially asset leasing. People can rent holdings like public address systems or cars and get them back once the time expires. As the world diversifies and there is discovery internet, people can now get closer despite the distance. One thing which stands out from the internet is ability of people to communicate with each other without boundaries using social media. Bizshake tries to borrow some ideas from the social media apps to make the platform lively. Smart profiling and identification is the feature courtesy of bizshake. What advantages are offered by intelligent profiling and identification?

1)    User Experience Is Maximized

Nothing beats platform user experience like giving them the ability to twerk with little things associated with the platform. Bizshake enable the users to customise the whole rig and include themes to better their experience. The platform also has an easy to use interface which involves the menu bar and login provision. People who want to lease their property can access platform features easily. Allowing users to change certain things enables them to stay on the platform longer and if favorable asses pop up they will rent.

2)    The User Can Be Tracked

Cases of fraud and scams are increasing even with bettered technology. The more technology is complicated the more scammers will also upgrade. To prevent this, bizshake allows users to create profiles with one person having one account failure to which the account could be suspended. Scammers are known to use multiple accounts and this is what bizshake wants to avoid to increase safety of platform users. If you join bizshake this should not worry you.

3)    Enables Bizshake to List Assets Depending On the Preference

Some inquiries made by the platform only want to maximise your experience using it. You are asked about your interests and hobbies to determine which type of assets you would want to lease from other users. By doing this, your asset search is simple and you will find what you are looking for faster. This is advantageous and tends to save time of going page by page looking for preferred assets.

4)    Provides For Background Checks of Users

If you are a lesser and you want to know the payment ability of a lessee, bizshake can provide that for you. How? Bizshake includes a ranking feature which enables users to judge other users depending on the needs they want fulfilled. For lessees, the same applies and you are able to view which lesser has the best assets. To top it all up, the background check and history of a user will influence the type of services you will be offered.

If you have a high credit score for example, you may get low discount rates or rather low interest rates. If as a lessee you have a credible history, people will be willing to offer assets for you rather than a low credited lessee.

Having a profile feature is a big step for bizshake to avoid scammer and better user experience hence attracting a crowd to the platform.

Official links for more details,
Website Link:
Telegram Link :

Bitcointalk Username : paisleyevelyn
ETH address :  0x1628A1f03326b1d069dF7C320102eDC76DE27892


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